We Will Do:

  • Identify the puzzle,
  • Count the piece
  • Talk about letters
  • Ask questions about the letters
  • Name the pieces

Steps Forward

Are you here?


  1. To Be (Public Memories)
    1. Me, You, Us
    2. We Seek
    3. To Care
  2. To Sense
    1. To Make-Sense
    2. To Play with sense-making
    3. Tag the Good, True, and Beautiful
  3. To Will 1  (2)
    1. Engage
    2. Express
    3. Experience



Click the box.

Language in Use:

A Puzzle

Target Language:

  • A puzzle.
  • It is a puzzle.
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 puzzles.
  • There are 4 puzzles.
  • How many?
  • 4 puzzles.
  • There are 4 puzzles.
  • Good!


  1. Students can name the the content.
  2. Students can count the out the number of mini puzzles.
  3. Students can listen and repeat after the teacher.
  4. Students can answer “How many?” using what they learned.