Steps Forward

Are you here?


  1. To Be (Public Memories)
    1. Me, You, Us
    2. We Seek
    3. To Care
  2. To Sense
    1. To Make-Sense
    2. To Play with sense-making
    3. Tag the Good, True, and Beautiful
  3. To Will 1  (2)
    1. Engage
    2. Express
    3. Experience



Click the box.

I am here.
Do the activities at school.
DO some activities at home.

Planned Activities


1. Take and talk about a class picture.

  • Hello. Hi.
  • What’s your name?
  • How are you today? I am happy.
  • How old are you? I am nine years old.
  • Do you want to jump rope? Yes, I do.
  • Me too. Let’s jump rope.
  • Can you jump 20 times?
  • Yes, I can.


2. Sing “How old are you?”

3. Make friends.

4. Use a jump rope, cups and cards.

5. Use shapes.

6. Use school tools and do something.

7. Show and tell your pictures.

8. Clean up after each activity.

9. Say goodbye.

Do 2 – Progress

2 Do = 0%

  1. Our Class = 0%
  2. Hansel and Gretel = 0%
  3. Hannah = 0%
  4. Grace = 0%
  5. Jack = 0%
  6. Rapunzel = 0%
  7. Neven = 0%
  8. Goldilocks = 0%
  9. Teddy = 0%
  10. Niall = 0%